Market News

    Yokohama advances natural rubber studies

    TOKYO—Yokohama Rubber Co. has carried out separate research studies with two Thai universities to help improve the quality and sustainable development of natural rubber plantations.

    The research with Mahidol University, which started in 2013, analyzed proteins contained in latex sap to identify the proteins involved in NR biosynthesis.

    Bangkok-based Mahidol University is said to be Thailand's top-ranked university and has demonstrated strengths in the field of natural rubber research.

    YRC's study involved the extraction and nano-level analysis of more than 800 kinds of proteins contained in latex, some of which were found to be related to natural rubber biosynthesis and stress resistance. In addition, the researchers compared proteins from a variety of Para rubber trees, identifying the proteins that promote or inhibit biosynthesis.

    The other program, at Prince of Songkla University, focused on analysing the differences in latex related to different seasons and regions, different varieties and different processing methods.

    Prince of Songkla University campus is located in Thailand's Surat Thani Province, which is also home to YT Rubber Co. Ltd., YRC's natural rubber processing company in Thailand.

    YRC linked both research projects to its efforts to increase the sustainability of natural rubber plantations and ensure more stable income for rubber tree growers.

    Source: Rubber & Plastics News